Regular Events

Exploring Faith courses

These free 4 session courses take place termly on Tuesday afternoons and Sunday evenings, email Rich for details of the next one.

Sunday Café

Most Sundays from 12-12:45pm. Tea, Coffee, Cakes, and Toys

Friday Lunches

Every Friday during term time, 11:30am-1:30pm – Come and enjoy a baked potato, sandwich, etc.

Tuesday Cafe

Every Tuesday in term time, usually 2-4:30 pm.
Tea, Coffee, Cakes, and Toys

Bridges English Language Classes

Bridges Language School

Bridges English Language Classes are for people who want to start learning English or to improve their English. We have different levels of classes with friendly and qualified teachers. Our classes are on Wednesday or Thursday mornings from 9:30 to11:30 in term time, in the church building and The Oasis. We also have a creche … Read more …