Welcome to The Oasis, a meeting place in your community. You can find us at The Oasis 21 Baker Street Reading RG1 7XT Find out more about us here, or come along to any of our events. The Oasis is run by Carey Baptist Church
Welcome to The Oasis, a meeting place in your community. You can find us at The Oasis 21 Baker Street Reading RG1 7XT Find out more about us here, or come along to any of our events. The Oasis is run by Carey Baptist Church
The last work is being done on the Oasis and we hope to open soon. We don’t have much news at the moment until we open so… Watch this space…
You’ll be able to see what kind of things we’ve done and how much fun it’s been in our past events section as the Oasis gets up and running.
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See photos on facebook. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus hendrerit est dolor, ut lacinia orci. Aenean vulputate nulla id justo luctus id mollis nisi posuere. Nullam auctor accumsan pellentesque. Suspendisse at sapien in diam porta suscipit. Donec semper diam quis massa ullamcorper sagittis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing … Read more …
Enjoy a range of chilled events at the Oasis every Wednesday night, 7-10pm